Transpower publishes proposed Transmission Pricing Methodology

  • Investor updates

Transpower has published its proposed Transmission Pricing Methodology (TPM) here:

While Meridian is still reviewing the proposal, Meridian notes that this is not the final TPM and the Electricity Authority has referred some components back to Transpower for further consideration. The Electricity Authority intends to consult later this year before finalising a new TPM.

The indicative Meridian transmission charges published by Transpower for the 2020/21 pricing year (if the new TPM had applied) differ from the Electricity Authority’s estimates published back in 2020 for Meridian’s transmission charges for the 2021/22 pricing year.

Transpower’s indicative numbers show a $13 million per annum cost saving for Meridian from the current TPM, as compared to the Authority’s earlier estimates of $27 million in savings. Meridian notes that the Authority is still targeting a commencement date for the new TPM of 1 April 2023.


Neal Barclay
Chief Executive
Meridian Energy Limited


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